Mood lavender

I have been working on new purple colorways for the last few weeks, marbleizing different blue, purple, and gray wools in my dye pots. Trial and error have produced some lovely results.

Strewn on my dye kitchen table are wool experiments and notations along with paint chip color cards for inspiration. I like the color cards, as they give me ideas for different directions I can take the colorways. I want to produce colors that are not only beautiful, but are also more muted. This way they will be gentle on the eyes when used in rug hooking projects, quilt making, or other fiber work.

This new happy blending of color has been created to reflect a lavender frame of mind.

From left to right they are:

Lavender – looks so much like it’s namesake, with that soft mid-purple tone

Purple Haze – a light lavender color with muted gray-purple highlights

Spanish Lavender – another variety of lavender that leans toward a dusty pinkie-purple

Hidcote – a variety of lavender that has a slightly deeper blue-purple, like a dusty sapphire

I have made these colors available on my etsy shop. To see them CLICK HERE

Speaking of sapphire, I am working on that colorway next! I should have it finished soon. So, the purple passion continues. Check back next week for more.

Thanks for stopping by ~ Karen

12 thoughts on “Mood lavender

  1. All I can say is OMG “more beautiful wool”. I just keep being inspired when I see your photos and your energy for creating new and wonderful ways to make wool so lovely and gorgeous. Thank you.


  2. I love the raspberry, purple and lavender color schemes. Using paint cards is a great idea. Thanks for the tip! Look forward to seeing more next time. You’re an inspiration as well.


  3. Hi Karen…….Do you dye your wool first to marbleize without a mordant or do you buy coloured wool by the yard to create your beautiful dyeing……..shirley


  4. First photo – 2nd from bottom – is absolutely dreamy. They ALL are dreamy. This one calls to me. Gorgeous. And, I will repeat, your wool quality is A+++++. I am hooked. I need to win a lottery.


  5. love the way your marbleizing techniques changes the wool from okay….to wow! I have your little book of marbleizing and have been having a great time! It’s so great how your not quite sure how it will look and is so dramatic at times.I too was wondering if you dyed the pieces first.


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