Dyeing wool and my sunny daydream

wool at windowIn my last post I was showing you my new wool packets. They have been decorating my studio, adding a burst of color wherever they are. But I am mailing them away and so today is a day to dye more colorful wool.


My stash is getting low on my special colors. I have been procrastinating about heading to the dye pots because my sad stove is in need of help! The big burner on the right is just not working right. I have replaced the coil, but it still isn’t working. I am having difficulty finding another cooktop that has the same burner arrangement. So consequently I have felt stuck.

So in the meanwhile I had been looking at the new induction hot plates. I just bought one to try out for the dye kitchen.

stove 2

What was previously keeping me from buying one was that you needed to buy induction ready pots and pans. They are expensive and do not come in a big enough sized pot for dyeing wool. But then I discovered that any pot that has a flat bottom and that also can hold a magnet will work on induction hot plates. And many enamel pots fit the bill. I saw that my large red enamel stock pot worked in a test drive, and I was in business!

stove 3

The red pot is big enough to hold a large dye batch. I found this pot at my local BiMart store. I have not found another source for them online. If you don’t have a BiMart near you, you might try searching out a flat bottom enamel ware canning pot and seeing if that works. If the hot plate turns on, then it works. If it does not turn on, then sadly the process can’t work. Period.

I found that the induction hot plate heated up the water just as well as my electric stove top heating element, and it actually kept the water at a gentle boil better and with more control. What is also nice about it is that it doesn’t heat up what is under it, and it takes a regular wall plug. All in all I am excited about the possibilities. And for those of you who do dye demonstrations, in my opinion this may be the ticket!

sunny daydream

Time to fill my wool orders. And so I am happily immersed in this sunny day-dream.

sunny daydream 2

This is my perfect place to be — surrounded by beautiful colored textiles!

wool yellow

Thanks for joining me today. Have you had your color fix yet?

All for now ~ Karen


13 thoughts on “Dyeing wool and my sunny daydream

  1. I have used an induction burner for several years for dyeing. I love using it, especially on the Summer. It does not heat up the room any where as much as my electric stove does. I can set the temperature for the burner within 50 degree increments. My burner does have weight restrictions so that is something to watch when buying one.


  2. Karen, looks like fall’s blooming there in your kitchen!
    Regarding your stove: a fuse or switch issue maybe? I’m not a service repair expert buy have had to trouble shoot with an electric stove from time to time. Have been surprised by the simplicity of the repair.


  3. Love your colors! I think I may do some hooking outside on the porch today while sipping a nice herbal tea. I love reading your blog. Simplicity!


  4. I just love visiting your dye kitchen, Karen! I always find inspiration in your colors, your process, and your wool ~ thank you for sharing the induction burner! I’d never heard of one until I read your post and now I’m thinking it would be perfect to use in my garage ~ no more dye messes to clean up in the kitchen….. time to go shopping!



  5. Another great post, I bought an induction stovetop after attending the Green Mt. Rug School class on dyeing wool. I have used it a lot since June. I bought rectangular 6″ deep restaurant style hot pans, work out great. But, I never attempted to use my enamelware pans, I will give it a try! Thanks for the tip, love visiting with you in your dye kitchen, it’s so cute. Mine is not fully established yet and was supposed to be one of my chief topics to blog about, maybe this year instead.

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