Forever green

wool in studioWherever I turn, I am greeted with the color green. I love green! Green and I have been together for many years now.

red:grn contrast excite meGreen was my grandmother’s favorite color. I remember her green afghan across the back of her couch and her green fiestaware dishes. I painted this rescued chair green and gave it a vintage faux finish. I love how the green looks saturated in some places, and softly worn in other areas. So many shades of green to see.

studio seat by my woolGreen looks wonderful near red. As they say, opposites attract. How can I keep them apart? It so happens that the green-red color-play is one of my best techniques in using color. Let one be vibrant, and then bring in the other in a soft way. The hooked red rose in the chair pad is set off by the subtle green of the leaves. And the whole hooked piece looks so at home on the green chair. My green chair is lovely near my red wool shelves. Sometimes moving colors around, and putting them together can be the creative journey of the day. I find it inspiring today.

Have a colorful day ~ Karen

15 thoughts on “Forever green

  1. karen i love the color green too especially this old antigue faded green love the chair seat pad you made and looking at all your material on the shelves such a nice colorful touch to start my morn, just wish i could sit here all day and just hook. we are expecting bad weather. thanks so much, linda


  2. Good Morning Karen,
    It’s funny, in the quilting world when the maker is looking to find an 20’s and 30’sgreen that would call it “That Green”. Like everyone should know and believe me they know exactly which green. Your green chair and table are painted “That Green” which has been adopted as the official name of the color!
    Thanks for sharing and make it a fabulous day!


  3. Hi Karen –

    I would like to see all your patterns – I sent you a question through etsy regarding one called Flower Box I believe. Where can I see all the patterns you offer? Thank you kindly. I love your designs and your work – I enjoy your Blog immensely – thank you kindly. holly gleason


  4. Good Morning Friend Karen ~
    I too love green ~ it is a beautiful, neutral color for me…it can be of any hue or value and I would still find a place for it in my world. Love your chair, and the chairpad you hooked for it…your wool shelves are so very inviting, I could sleep on them, all curl’d up and very content! I just posted about the green cupboard in our dining room, if you care to take a peek ~ I’m sure you will appreciate the patina of it!
    Blessed be,
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm


    • hi lori, thank you for your comment, i love the picture of sleeping on the wool shelves, like little fairies! yes, i checked out your wonderful green cupboard filled with treasures. so perfect and aged to perfection. did you paint it or is it original?


  5. When I taught painting classes, I always told my students that green was classified as a “free” color. It can be used with everything and the example is all the colors of green in nature. When I go in my LYS, the owner always says to me “What color are you going to buy, green?” I guess that makes me a green person, too!


  6. Here in Nova Scotia I am longing for green; the grass is buried under the snow, not to be seen until March and even then it will be brown….not really green until May. So, here’s to all things green! Thanks for the post. And for the tribute to grandmothers. I think of mine often, too, with much affection. My grandmother would be amazed that today there is so much interest in hooking rugs (or mats, as they were called here, back in the day). I wish she could see us now.


  7. what a refreshing color green is! I miss green in winter ~ about the only green we have here is the green celery in the refrigerator! Thank you for bringing a bit of Spring Green into my world, today!

    Love your green chair, and that hooked seat is fabulous!



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