Labels keep me sane

DSCF1036In a recent post I shared with you my enthusiasm in finding this desk, painting it a chippy milk paint white. I love all the deep drawer space, but have an inkling that I am going fill them and promptly forget what is hidden within! Sound familiar?

DSCF1001I had my eye on these metal labels, thinking that they might work with my wood drawer pulls. That was another reason lurking in the back of my mind for salvaging the original drawer handles.

DSCF1003They have a self sticking back. However I am going to find some tiny nails to make them more permanent. This was just the label that came with the package. I will rubber stamp my own labels for each drawer.

DSCF1002They look just as I imagined, giving my desk an über cool feel. I am going to be so organized! Makes me want to just sit here and stare at my play space.

I always have to gear myself up to get organized and break myself away from the more fun creative stuff. But once I get in the mood to nest, my space starts to become more inspiring.

DSCF1006I encourage you to tackle at least a small corner of your art space. Even if it is to clear a table and put a lovely bunch of flowers on it!

Have a creative day ~ Karen

13 thoughts on “Labels keep me sane

  1. o.k., now you’ve done it! I always get enthused reading about your projects but never have actually done any….but…now i’m going to paint an old china cabnet with the white paint as you did!


  2. Nesting is so important in the creativity equation. When I work, I have “stuff” scattered all over but before I can move onto another project, I must get myself back to ground zero before I start. It’s like clearing the air (and my head) and it opens me up to new ideas and creativity. And it is funny, when I get my studio totally organized, I have to keep going in and looking at it, marveling at my stuff and all the materials I have to work with. Yes, nesting is good!


  3. Like Lori, I too have to “clear the air” before venturing on to another project. My space is smaller then yours (much) but it truly is my farvoite spot to come. It’s indeed inspiriting to see your studio …. so many ideas shared with your readers in blog land … thank you!


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